Monday, July 27, 2009

New Music Moday - Another 7 Deadly Dwarves track

Well, there's another weekend gone. Sad, true, but at least there's New Music Monday!

This Monday's offering is another track from the project I'm currently working on (on and off), 7 Deadly Dwarves. I'm not sure if I've ever explained the concept behind the project, so here it is: each song (and yes, there are exactly 7) is supposed to be under 2 minutes, and be very, very economical in use of vocals. The theme is modeled, loosely, on the 7 deadly sins. Today's offering is entitled "Lazy" (get it? It's like 'sloth', but with a Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs style name. Get it?!?)

Listening to: Miles Davis - So What
via FoxyTunes

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