Monday, January 11, 2010

If this blog were a dog, it'd be dead...

Long time, no write, bloggosphere.

Well, that's not entirely true - I've been writing like an MFer for weeks and weeks now, desperately trying to get my novel finished and edited to the point that I'd feel OK sending it off to get printed (one of the prizes for winning NaNoWriMo is a certificate for a single printing of your novel. Only one catch: must be redeemed by June!).

I've taken a brief break from the novel to do - guess what - more writing! I've just put the finishing touches on an entry for the latest Clarity of Night writing contest. He be the fruits of me labor:

Get Ready For The Weirdness
By Kurt Hendricks

"Get ready for the weirdness," I said, turning the knob.

We were blinded as the huge picture window was revealed; it was a brilliant, clear day outside. As our eyes were adjusting to the sudden brightness, Lisa gasped and took a step back. I thought she was startled by the rather large disco ball hanging from the ceiling, but even as the thought was forming, a solid 'thwack' reverberated through the room.

I expected some reaction from Mayme, but she didn't stir from her seat by the window. I walked over, repeating her name, louder and more urgent each time. An apprehensive hand reached out to touch hers, which was clutching the joystick controller for her electric wheelchair. It felt like defrosted poultry.

"Another one," I told Lisa. This was her first time delivering, and I wanted to instill in her an expectation of this sort of thing. She just looked right through me with a thousand mile stare. I turned to Mayme and sighed.

I never thought I'd end up a drug dealer again. Ever since legalization, the glamour - not to mention the money - had left the profession. The clientele had changed, too; now mostly senior citizens looking for pain relief or a way out. Coltrane played on softly in the background.

“That crow…,” Lisa whispered, “it flew right into the window.” She was still obviously a little shaken. “It must’ve been attracted to the shiny thing.”

“Yeah,” I said, “you’ll get a lot of that.”

Thanks for all the fishes!

Listening to: Monty Python - Always Look On the Bright Side of Life
via FoxyTunes


James R. Tomlinson said...

If it were up to me, your story would get the bronze medal; at least that's where I ranked it out of 236 stories (remember, Jason deleted one).

On a different note, I see you've linked to my blog. Sorry, but I've shelved it for one year in order to finish my novel and hide from the convicts. I see you're writing a lengthier piece as well.

Good luck to you! I'll let you know when I return to the blogosphere; I've kept all my posts and the same link for future writing.

Kurt Hendricks said...

Thanks for your vote - high praise, coming from a past winner!

And I eagerly await your return. And, oops! I jut noticed that I misspelled your link. It'll be fixed shortly.