I received the nicest rejection letter the other day from the folks at Storyglossia. Rejection letters are nothing new to me, and they don't carry the potent sting they once did, but still, frankly, mostly they suck. Not this one, though.
I won't reprint the email verbatim here, as I don't have, nor have I sought, their permission; however, this email was much more than your standard "Sorry...pass!" rejection letter. No, the editor actually took the time to commend me on several elements of my story, including its' subtlety (one of my most sought-after compliments!).
I almost want to print it out at post it at my desk, it's so unique in the juxtaposition of rejection and praise.
Has anyone else had a similar rejection letter? Or a rejection letter than was just dripping with meanness? Or maybe even some funny Lolcats? I'd appreciate any of that.
Listening to: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Mozart: Symphony #40 In G Minor, K 550 - 1. Molto Allegro
via FoxyTunes
Much like a bully beating me in a schoolyard everyday - I too have lost the sting from rejection letters.
Unless I see the word "douchenozzle" in there and it's game on!
My WV is "inket" - sounds like a backup singer name if I ever start a writer band.
'Johnny and the Inkets' sounds good, but 'Johnny and the Douchenozzles' sort of has a ring to it, too.
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