Monday, March 5, 2012

Twitter lit

Let me be frank regarding my loyalties:  Twitter people are my people. 

I've said it before:  Twitter fuels revolutions, Facebook lets you pretend to be a farmer.  There's just something about Twitter - I guess it's the freedom of the platform, the immediacy of the content - that feels right to me.  I'm not much of a talker; maybe that's part of it.

Yes, I have a facebook account, and it's a great way to keep up with friends, but it is by and large a time-wasting whirlpool of vapidness, a hub of digital navel gazing.  I view Twitter totally differently:  its' necessary brevity and ticker-tape speed doesn't really suit mopey self-reflection.  I can just dip in and out as I feel the urge.  It allows for a real frank exchange of ideas without all the superfluous social niceties that really do little more than drive me to distraction.  Did I mention that I'm a borderline Aspie

I have been told my comments on Facebook tend to be a bit "spicy".

What brought me to the subject of twitter, however, was something less than political:  fiction (Or, I don't know, maybe that's one of the most political things there is).  The idea to write a work of fiction on Twitter first came to me probably about six months ago.  And, the thing is, this would be just me making up things about myself - otherwise known as "normal Twitter" - no; I would tell a story from a character's point of view, having him relate his story through the medium of Twitter.  Turns out I wasn't the first with this idea.

I have started a rough outline and composed a few rough tweets.  I even set up a twitter account for the work, the ID and password for which I promptly forgot.  Before I set up another one, I think I'll get a little deeper into he planning stage.

Listening to:  Help I'm Alive - Metric

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