Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Down With the Sickness

Sure, no one likes being sick.  Especially as sick as I was earlier this week.  But one thing that I tried to keep focusing on as my face rested on the cool bathroom tile floor was AfterSickness(TM).

In my experience, the days after I recover from an illness are among the most productive I ever have.  There's nothing like three days of bed rest to stoke the fires that lie smoldering inside you, doused by the grinding suffocation of monotony and the nightly lullaby of procrastination.

I'm up and around again, with all sorts of ideas bouncing around off of each other in my head, and with renewed vigor I'm determined to get them all down on paper...right after I change my profile pic on Facebook.

Listening To: Oh My Lover - PJ Harvey
Reading: The Demon-Haunted World - Carl Sagan 

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